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The Church at Jerusalem had been forced to scatter. Persecution had arisen. James, a key leader of the Church, was used by God to write this early letter to the Jewish Christians.
But what exactly …
Fontecchio, Mark
The Church at Jerusalem had been forced to scatter. Persecution had arisen. James, a key leader of the Church, was used by God to write this early letter to the Jewish Christians.
How were these …
Fontecchio, Mark
James again reminds us that the trials of life are opportunities under God’s grace for growth in our faith and our walk with Christ. In these trials the temptation often comes to sin. God is not the …
Fontecchio, Mark
James had reminded the brethren that even in the Christian life there are trials and temptations. But something else had arisen in the ranks of the faithful. Self-deception and hypocrisy had taken ...
Fontecchio, Mark
The blot of racial bias stains the pages of church history. Prejudice is common. Partiality comes when we least expect it. Partiality even shows up when we show deference towards the wealthy or ...
Fontecchio, Mark
Martin Luther referred to James as a straw epistle. Many others have struggled to find the relationship between faith and works within this letter from James. The confusion that surrounds the book …
Fontecchio, Mark
Our words have the ability to build up our brothers and sisters in Christ and to glorify the Lord. They also have the terrifying ability to bring horrible destruction to the Body of Christ and to ...
Fontecchio, Mark
The greatest servants of God struggled at times with their words. The tongue is full of poison and constantly wants to break out with words that destroy. Does this mean that the tongue cannot be ...
Fontecchio, Mark