Why is the Closing of the Canon an Important Issue?


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(By Pastor Mark Fontecchio)

Question: Why is the closing of the canon an important issue?

Answer: The closing of the New Testament canon is a central issue to the Christian faith. It may not seem like it, but it most certainly is. This can be illustrated for a number of reasons.

In order for a book to be included in the New Testament it either had to be written by an Apostle or by someone associated with an Apostle. This eliminates any modern writers. Yet, even for ancient documents that might now be found this would be difficult to prove. Further, a book needed to be considered orthodox in doctrine. With the vast divergence of doctrines today (including the rise of cults) it would be extremely difficult to gain a consensus, and the doctrines of the New Testament could shift with the addition of other documents.

It is further conceivable that if the cannon were not closed then men would rise up and challenge the validity of the existing New Testament. This would rob believers of the revelation of God. We know this has already been an issue in the past, with Marcion (c. 140), before the Church recognized the completed cannon.

If the standard for our faith were to change we would lose the certainty of the biblical faith that has once been handed down to the saints (Luke 1:1-4; Jude 3-4). Believers in Christ already have everything they need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:2-3). If new books were now added to the New Testament it would undermine the faith of believers. Our trust needs to be that the early church (and ultimately the Holy Spirit) preserved the New Testament revelation of God exactly as we have it today.


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