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Christians often struggle attempting to discern the will of God for their lives, but the confusion doesn’t need to continue. God has described His perfect will for believers in His Word. He is ...
Psalm 103 is a hymn of praise to God that overflows from a heart supremely devoted to the Lord. David surveyed the love and compassion of God towards His people. Believers can rest on the promise …
Christ Through the Ages is a four-part series of messages designed to help you better understand the mission of the Savior. Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio walks us through the Servant Songs of …
Christ Through the Ages is a four part series of messages designed to help you better understand the mission of the Savior. Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio walks us through the Servant Songs of …
Christ Through the Ages is a four part series of messages designed to help you better understand the mission of the Savior. Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio walks us through the Servant Songs of …
Christ Through the Ages is a four part series of messages designed to help you better understand the mission of the Savior. Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio walks us through the Servant Songs of …
Study about the judgment of God falling on Judah in Daniel 1:1-7 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace …
Daniel chose to be faithful to the eternal King instead of compromising before the earthly king. Study the lessons learned in Daniel 1:8-21 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word …
King Nebuchadnezzar had a terrifying dream that revealed the future. Daniel (and many others) were facing death. Only the God of Israel could provide both the dream and the interpretation. Daniel …
A dream of the ages to come was given to King Nebuchadnezzar by the God of Israel. The nations involved in the future control over Israel were predicted with remarkable precision. Study Daniel …
King Nebuchadnezzar had a terrifying dream that revealed the future. Only the God of Israel could provide both the dream and the interpretation. Study the lessons learned in Daniel 2:1-13 with Bible …
The opening words of the Gospel of John are no mere introduction. The beautiful words contained in the opening words form the very foundation for the Gospel of Christ. Christ has always existed …
John the Baptist came as a witness to the long awaited Messiah of Israel. John was commissioned to this great work before he was even born. He was the forerunner of Jesus, but the Messiah would …
John the Baptist came as a voice crying in the wilderness preparing the way for Yahweh. The religious leaders were left with questions. Who was this man? Why was he baptizing? John’s entire life and …
There was one man chosen by God to be the forerunner of the Messiah of Israel. Now that the Savior had come, John the Baptist stood faithful to his task. The Son of God had come into the world and …
It was the opening days of the ministry of the long awaited Messiah of Israel. The first disciples of Jesus had found the Messiah. But could He honestly be from Nazareth? An amazing journey was …
The young church at Jerusalem was growing. Thousands of Hebrew people had come to faith in the Messiah, but with that growth came increased persecution. Luke tells about one man that was steadfast …
Stephen stood before the Sanhedrin accused of speaking against the Laws of Moses and the Temple of God. All eyes were fixed upon him. His gripping response leaves us with a record of the work of God …
Stephen stood before the Sanhedrin accused of speaking against the Laws of Moses and the Temple of God. All eyes were fixed upon him. His gripping response leaves us with a record of the work of God …
There are defining moments in life that will change us forever. These times can inspire us or they can hurt us. Moses had one of these amazing experiences when he directly encountered God. Stephen …
Is the Church the house of God? Could the Temple contain God? Where does He live? Where does God work? What does it mean to defile or desecrate the Church? Pastor Mark Fontecchio wrestles with these …
Jesus Christ was victorious over death. One day every believer in Christ will receive a new glorified body like that of our Savior. At the Rapture of the Church our bodies will be changed. We can …
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what sets the Christian faith apart from all the other religions of the world. Christ rose from the grave because He is the God of the living, not the dead. The …
Study Galatians 1:1-5 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Galatians 1:6-10 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Galatians 1:11-24 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Galatians 2:1-10 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Galatians 2:11-21 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
God’s grace toward man is beyond measure. Redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and our eternal inheritance all comes to believers because of the work of Christ on the Cross. God has even given His …
The Apostle Paul was completely overcome by the love, mercy, and grace of God. Understanding his expression of worship and prayer provides critical instruction for living out our faith. Learn to …
Christians often struggle attempting to discern the will of God for their lives, but the confusion doesn’t need to continue. God has described His perfect will for believers in His Word. He is …
In a stunning turn of events, the Apostle Paul told the Christians at Ephesus that the Church is the Bride of Christ. But what exactly does this mean for the future of the Church? And how does this …
The believer’s union with Christ changes everything. But what happens when Christians fail to live out the truth of their identity? Our responsibility is to seek those things from above. When the …
A list of names of people long dead. That’s how many Christians look at Colossians 4, but we shouldn’t be looking at it this way. Instead, what we have is a living history of believers who have gone …
The young church at Thessalonica was suffering for their faith in Christ. These precious new believers stood faithful to the Lord during these difficult times. In the opening words of Paul’s letter …
The Apostle Paul and his team had been forced to leave the new Christians at Thessalonica behind. The door had now been opened for false accusations to be made. What were the true motives behind …
The Jewish people haven’t been strangers to persecution. The Apostle Paul’s words of encouragement to the Church at Thessalonica have been taken to be the justification for violent hatred towards …
Study 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
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Study 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
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Study about the righteous judgment of God in 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace …
Study about the coming deception in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse …
Study about the coming of the lawless one in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace …
Study how believers are chosen for salvation in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing …
Study about the forgotten doctrine of church discipline in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His …
Study Hebrews 1:1-4 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Hebrews 1:5-14 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Hebrews 2:1-4 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Hebrews 2:5-18 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
Study Hebrews 3:1-19 with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
Return to the Word is the teaching …
The Church at Jerusalem had been forced to scatter. Persecution had arisen. James, a key leader of the Church, was used by God to write this early letter to the Jewish Christians.
But what exactly …
The Church at Jerusalem had been forced to scatter. Persecution had arisen. James, a key leader of the Church, was used by God to write this early letter to the Jewish Christians.
How were these …
James again reminds us that the trials of life are opportunities under God’s grace for growth in our faith and our walk with Christ. In these trials the temptation often comes to sin. God is not the …
James had reminded the brethren that even in the Christian life there are trials and temptations. But something else had arisen in the ranks of the faithful. Self-deception and hypocrisy had taken …
The blot of racial bias stains the pages of church history. Prejudice is common. Partiality comes when we least expect it. Partiality even shows up when we show deference towards the wealthy or …
Throughout the history of mankind there have been many different attempts to completely destroy and eradicate the Bible from the face of this earth. The Word of God continues to stand. Find out why …
Persecution for the faith had shown up on the doorstep of the first century church. Christians would soon die for what they believed in. The Apostle Peter was familiar with this type of hatred. He …
The young church at Thessalonica was suffering for their faith in Christ. These precious new believers stood faithful to the Lord during these difficult times. In the opening words of Paul’s letter …
Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.
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One of the most frequent questions submitted to us surrounds the timing of the Rapture of the Church. Can we know with certainty that the Rapture of the Church is before the Tribulation? Bible …
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